The Studio

808 N. 26th St. Paducah, Ky

Business Hours:

Mon. Wed. Thurs - closed 

Tues. Fri. Sat. Sun: 10am-7pm

Closed the last weekend of the month

Meet Kaylee

"I'm a coffee obsessed - disney loving - bookworm with a serious online shopping problem who spends way too much time reading romance -- but most importantly, I'm a mom. The biggest compliment I get when photographing children is "I wish I had your patience", and I attribute that unique talent to my 2 rambunctious girls. Motherhood has gifted me an abundance of patience.

I grew up in a small town in Northern Ontario, Canada. I have been married to my best friend for 15 years and together we have two amazing daughters -- McKenna and Elia. We also have 4 cats named Gus, Finnegan, Millie, and Holly - all of whom have acquired a myriad of out of pocket nicknames. Our life is absolutely chaos but I wouldn't change a thing.

I am keenly aware that so many have entrusted me with their most precious memories, and that is a gift for which I am eternally grateful. I have been a part of some of the best days of my clients' lives and it has been a joy to work with each and every one of them these past 12 years."


  • Jenny Orange

    Kaylee is a rockstar! Our sweet boy peed on her his first session, spit up all over her set the second, and wouldn’t quit staring at the grass for his third! She laughed with us though all of this and captured beautiful pictures despite all our crazy!

  • Kayla Garrison

    We have been using Kaylee Burgess for 4 years and the more kids we have, the quicker and easier the sessions get! So laid back, gets it done & you’ll leave thinking “my kids were terrible there’s no way she got any good pictures” and she’ll send you a gallery full of the BEST pictures!

  • Crystal Johnson

    Baby whisperer. Enough said.

  • Kayla Walker

    Kaylee is the best. I was so nervous about my premie babies newborn pictures but I shouldn’t have been. She is SO patient and gentle. I keep booking session after session!

  • Amberly Sphinx

    Kaylee is the definition of patient when it comes to taking pictures of kids. I never feel bad for my toddler not “preforming” for pictures, and I am always amazed when our pictures come back. Her turnaround time is quick and efficient, and the quality is outstanding. I recommend her to everyone.

  • Jordan Garland

    We couldn’t have asked for better 1st year pictures for my daughter! Each session I swore she couldn’t beat the last one and she continues to amaze me. She handles all the chaos with grace and never holds grudges if your baby poops on her